Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Milestone Warning

Avery and I have both reached a giant milestone this week.  Let me back up and tell you how we got here.  For the better part of the last 6 months Avery has slept either in the co-sleeper next to me, in the Nap Nanny next to me, or in my arms.  I am sure this was in part because I am a total freak and I over worry, over think EVERYTHING.  It was also partially because he was up every 5 seconds and he was plagued with stinking colic. 

More than one person gave their "ugly" opinion on this topic and I set my mind to getting Avery transitioned to his own bed by his 6 month birthday.  So, it was on Friday, August 7th that I first attempted to get Avery to spend the night alone.  Greggie set up the Angel Care Monitor and we went for it.  Honestly, it went much better than I expected. 

I continued to get up several times a night, but I did break him from his middle of the night bottle.  He was already sleeping through the night sporadically. I even moved myself back in to "our" bedroom.  I am pretty sure Greg was bummed about this.  You should have seen him spread out in there like he hadn't missed a beat.  He even seemed more rested that he had in a long time.  Maybe I should move back in the spare bedroom?

We've had some rough patches.  This past Sunday was especially bad, but Tuesday night, I officially slept through the night.  I woke up at 6 a.m. and I hadn't been in Avery's room even once.  I repeated the feat again last night.  It was the first time in I couldn't tell you how many months that this has happened. 

I know now that I have officially said it out loud we will have a rough spell.  To all those people who thought I would never break the habit, HA!  He's such a big boy he doesn't even like to be rocked every night.  I just put him in the bed, turn on his mobile or the aquarium, and ta da, within 15 minutes he's out. 

Yeah Avery!! 

1 comment:

  1. It will only get better. It's much easier to tell if "something" is wrong with baby that actually "something" is wrong they cry.....enough said.

    Believe you me it is trial and error. But you sound well on your way. Just wait until he is 6 and only cries because you won't let him stay up and watch So You Think You Can Dance and will only stop if you promise to DVR it. Not that I have had that happen to me or anything.
